My Mission: Health, Eco-friendy Option

A couple days ago I was on KRTV news and I talked about my mission. So, I decided today would be a good day to elaborate more on my goals.

My mission is to create a healthy food option that is delicious and affordable. I also am trying my best to use no single-use plastics.

It is super important that consumers are aware of who they are buying from, knowing how the products they are buying are going to impact their health and also the environment. My goal is to be the best food option I can be.

My smoothie bowls have no added sugar and are dairy-free. They are super good for you. All of my toppings contain no sugar, and every one of them is a superfood. This means that they are nutrient rich and good for your health.

My protein balls have very little added sugar and 3.5 grams of protein in each ball. This is great for after a workout or in the morning to spread your protein intake throughout the day. (And did I mention delicious! They are addicting.)

My banana bread is gluten free, dairy free and sweetened with honey, not sugar. So, it’s just about as healthy as a bread can get.  

Everything on my menu has a superfood in every bite.

My bowls are paper – not single-use plastic that will be thrown away and not break down for a thousand years. I’m now using wooden spoons and my gloves and trash bags are biodegradable.

I am trying my hardest to be the best option available, whether that is having healthy food (and not just fake healthy) or being eco-friendly.

I’ll be selling on Friday, July 10 at the corner of 7th Ave S and 25th St S. Come out and see me!